Hongkun Park

Mark Hyman Jr. Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Physics
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Department of Physics
Harvard Quantum Science and Engineering Program
Harvard University

Conant 048, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 [map]
Tel: 617-496-0815
Email: hongkun_park@harvard.edu

Executive Committee Member, Harvard Quantum Initiative in Science and Engineering
Member, MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms
Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Affiliated Faculty, Harvard Center for Brain Science
Affiliated Faculty, Harvard Stem Cell Institute

Senior Advisor, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics
Editorial Advisory Board, Nano Letters
Scientific Co-Founder and a Member of the Advisory Board, QDTI
Scientific Co-Founder, Cytotronics

Awards and Honors

2022           William Draper Harkins Lectureship, University of Chicago
2021           Inaugural Hyodang Lecture, Seoul Forum for International Affairs
2021           Scientist of the Year Award, KSEA & KOFST
2019                A. R. Gordon Distinguished Lectureship, University of Toronto
2018 - Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate Web of Science
2016                Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, US Department of Defense
2014                Kavli Lectureship, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
2013                Stanford Distinguished Lectureship, Stanford University
2011                Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2008                NIH Director’s Pioneer Award
2004                Fellow, The World Technology Network
2003                Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award
2003                Ho-Am Prize for Science
2003                Visiting Miller Research Professorship, UC Berkeley
2002                Sloan Research Fellowship
2001                Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering
2001                National Science Foundation CAREER Award
1999                Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award
1999                Research Innovation Award from the Research Corporation
1993                Franklin Veatch Memorial Fellowship, Stanford University
1991                Graduate Fellowship, The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
1990                Presidential Prize and Valedictorian, Seoul National University