Welcome to the Park Research Group at Harvard
The Park Group is affiliated with the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Department of Physics, and Quantum Science and Engineering Program at Harvard University. The Park Group is located at the Conant Laboratory, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 (direction).
The group focuses on fundamental studies of nanoscale electrical, optical, and plasmonic devices that operate based upon quantum mechanical principles, as well as the development of new nano- and microelectronic tools that can interface with living cells, cell networks, and organisms. The goal of our quantum optoelectronics effort is to develop solid-state photonic, optoelectronic, and plasmonic devices that work all the way down to the single quantum level, thus paving the way for all-optical computing and solid-state quantum information processing. Our nano-bio interfacing effort is geared toward developing new nanoscale tools for interrogating living cells and cell networks, focusing on illuminating the behavior of immune cells in health and disease and the inner workings of the brain. In our quantum sensing/control effort, we develop ultra-sensitive magnetic, electric, and temperature sensors based on diamond color centers and use them to address various problems spanning condensed matter physics, molecular structural determination, and biological sensing.
Group meeting: We hold weekly group meetings and sub-group meetings. The schedule can be found here.
Positions Open: Our group is always open to qualified students and postdoctoral fellows in all areas. The application for the postdoctoral position can be sent to our lab administrator.
News Update (read more here)
Our paper on synaptic connectivity mapping among thousands of neurons using an CMOS-nanohole array was published in Nature Biomedical Engineering.
Our paper on epitaxially defined Luttinger liquid on MoS2 bicrystals was published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
Our paper on the optical detection of microemulsion phases during the quantum melting of an electron Wigner crystal was published in Nature Physics and featured in New&Views.
Congratulations to Deepankur who receives the ETH medal for his Ph.D. work!
Congratulations to Jue Wang who will start as an Assistant Professor of Physics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in March 2025!
Our collaborative paper on entanglement of nanophotonic quantum memory nodes in a telecom network was published in Nature.
Congratulations to Shivangi Shree who started as an Assistant Professor of Physics at Indian Institute of Technology Patna in June 2024!
Our collaborative paper on entanglement of nanophotonic quantum memory nodes in a telecom network was published in Nature.
Our collaborative paper on integrated 1D epitaxial mirror twin boundaries for ultrascaled 2D MoS2 field-effect transistors was published in Nat. Nanotechnol.
Our collaborative paper on orbital multiferroicity in pentalayer rhombohedral graphene was published in Nature.